TikTok illustration rocket

Ready, Set, Score!
Check out your Shoppertainment readiness:

You are The Experimenter

You're taking the right first steps!

Where should you go from here? To grow your business and get to the next level, consider our PACE Framework to help you win at Shoppertainment.

PACE Score


What's next?
Win with PACE

PACE is a step by step framework to help brands succeed on TikTok. It covers four pillars: Persona, Assortment, Content and Empowerment.


TikTok is an interest based community; users are as unique as you and I. Start by viewing your consumers as different Personas with unique values, attitudes and preferences. This allows you to offer products that align with their different needs and interests.

Tap on TikTok's audience insights tool to explore TikTok users' interests, behaviors, and demographics to find new ways to scale and create 2 to 3 key consumer personas.


Next, select products that are relevant to your customer Personas while considering an assortment mix that drives both average order value and traffic uplift. You can prioritise your offerings based on the novelty, popularity, relevance and purchase frequency of your products. Determining the right mix not drives sales but creates deeper engagement and grows your customer base.

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Content is the heart of Shoppertainment. With the right content, you can draw consumers to effortlessly progress from discovery, to consideration, to purchase. Create content at scale by recutting and remixing existing assets. Experiment with live streaming and explore different levers to improve engagement and increase orders.

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Last but not least, start to explore Shop Ad formats like Product Shopping Ads to increase your product visibility and grow sales. Consider participating in TikTok's platform campaigns and identify key shopping seasons for your brand.

love finger tiktok illustration

Learn more about PACE with our downloadable guide

PACE Shoppertainment report mockup
shopping cart tiktok illustration